Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Training to become a Champion

When training to become a champion in something, we tend to work really really hard at it. For example, If I wanted to train for a marathon, I would go get the advice and possibly train with someone who has already ran a marathon or a half marathon. They will know the ins and outs of the training and what kinds of foods I should eat. Or another example is training to become the best Quarterback in the league. How would I do that? I would probably go to Peyton Manning and figure out what his regimen is and repeat that. He is probably one of the best QB's in the league.

This leads me to my question. Why do people not get training in their finances? YOUR finances are yours. You are the only one who can train that muscle called your finances. Why would you not be willing to get help from someone who has already started the journey, or even finished the journey and training of beating debt? I think I know why. People are afraid to let other people know they are struggling. People do not want other people to know how unrich they are. Most people you see living in upscale neighborhoods are NOT rich. They are one lost job away from losing it all. Or one pay cut away from filing bankruptcy. Most of them put all of their "things" on some form of credit. Do those people make a lot of money? Sure, but what do you consider a lot of money? If someone is making $200,000/year but their payments for their things are $150,000/year ($50,000 to maintain those things) are they any more ahead of someone who makes $40,000/year and spends all $40,000? I would say NO. They just have more expensive "things". Could you imagine what you could do with $200,000 or even $40,000 if you were debt free? A LOT!!!! You could save a lot, give a lot and spend whatever you wanted on what you wanted or needed. Your money would be working for you instead of the other way around!

Here is my challenge to you. If you are able, please go and talk with a financial advisor today. Make sure he is a teacher! If you do not understand something ask questions. If he does not explain things well, leave. If your wife has a weird feeling about them, leave! If you do not like the way they are treating you, leave. If they are friendly and want to teach you and coach you on how to get out of debt, stay. If they want you to invest right now, leave. Why take away from your debt dumping power until you are out of debt? If you cannot afford to see a financial advisor, please order some stuff from Dave Ramsey or check it out at a library. He has a lot of good information on how to start your journey to becoming DEBT FREE!!!!

Training to become a champion does not happen over night. It is a lifetime pursuit. If you lose track of where you are heading, you lose sight of the end goal. Will you change your finances today? Are you willing to train like a champion? The choice is yours. No one else can make it for you! Good luck on the journey ahead.

One last thought. It is ok to not have a lot of "things". Things just clutter your house. As long as you have food on the table, a roof over your head, power to keep the lights and heat going and some form of transportation, you are blessed! Remember, the Wii or XBox360 is a toy, not a necessity. If your kids are upset because you sold it, too bad. They will get over it and they will find something else to do. You are training to become debt free. You are running a marathon. Sometimes we need to shed (sell) things in order to make us lighter (less things) so we can accelerate (dumping debt) to the finish line (being DEBT FREE!!!!)

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