Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Too Long

Sorry all for making you wait so long for a new post. It has been too long since the last one. I hope I still have some followers out there. The hustle and bustle of this season did keep me fairly busy and it does not help that I have limited Internet access. (One of those sacrifices for becoming free of debt)

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I would like to know how people did with how they spent their money. Did you use Credit Cards? Did you pay cash? Were you able to tell family, sorry, it is just not in the cards this year to exchange gifts? Let me know how it went. I have heard from some people already and some say they fell off the wagon and flipped it off on its way by. If you are one of those people, let me encourage you...you are not alone. The main thing to focus on now is to get back up, dust yourself off and keep CHUGGING along. If you were able to stay on the wagon during this holiday season, let me say KUDOS! Way to go! I'm proud of you! I know my wife and I were able to stay on the wagon. Although, it was tempting to step outside our budget to grab a few misc. items for people who were not originally on our list. We were still under budget and did end up grabbing just a couple of cheaper items for different people. It was nice to know, this is how much we have and when it's gone, it's gone! With Credit cards, you never have that feeling. You can spend until your credit limit is maxed out! (Not so good come January when you get the bill!)

To conclude! If you fell off, get back on! The biggest thing you need to do is get back on board! If you were able to stay on, Keep CHUGGING along! Way to GO!

Feeling Better than I deserve,

Your Financial Health Moment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike! Sorry I missed when you first posted this! I haven't checked blogs in a while. But I'm still here, I promise! We did well over Christmas! Last year we agreed not to really buy for anyone but our children, (we only had 1 then) and we were in 2 name draws last year, 1 for myself with my mom's side of the family and 1 for Ella on my dad's side of the family. A year ago we spent less than $100 on Christmas. At the time, my in-laws sent a TON of gifts for each of us way in advance, so there were plenty of gifts under the tree Christmas morning and I found myself thinking "Why did I buy anything for Ella? My in-laws covered it and she's young enough that she doesn't know who the gifts are from nor does she care!" So this year we didn't buy any gifts for our kids, GASP! I know, we're terrible parents! But there were many many gifts under the tree and the girls didn't even miss it! I was in a $30 name draw and the girls were in $10 name draw... including wrapping paper, we spent a TOTAL of $70 on Christmas gifts this year! All cash! And I have to say, it feels really good.
